In this little corner of the world I get lost in creativity; a craft project, an article or just in thought.


French Toast Without the Bread
Are you trying to change the way you eat by cutting out some unnecessary calories? Do you sometimes crave the delightful feeling of eating yummy French Toast? 
Yes! Yes you can have French toast that is low in calories and carbs!

Well if you have an open mind and are willing to give this bread-less French Toast dish a chance, I hope you will be pleasantly surprised!

2 or 3 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon 

Whisk eggs with milk
Whisk in vanilla and cinnamon 
Pour into a heated frying pan
When cooked transfer eggs to a plate
Spread butter on top
Serve with syrup or cinnamon sugar 


The pictures here show them with butter and cinnamon sugar. You can make cinnamon sugar using Splenda and cinnamon  to your liking for any one who wants to enjoy this in a sugar - free way.

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